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Intervention & Coiled Tubing Association Canadian Chapter

Sponsor ICoTA Canada

Website Sponsor Program

It continues to cost money to maintain and keep our site active and current. The website has undergone several changes in format and design since it was first posted but our $200.00 annual fee website sponsorship fee remains unchanged. 

The annual fee provides each sponsor with a separate listing of your company; name, address, contact numbers and contact person; and of course, a direct link to your company's home page.

Website Sponsor Memberships

Corporate Sponsor Membership Program

The program is divided into four levels - Platinum, Gold, Silver and Bronze based on the number of members registered. Corporate Sponsorship is open from Jan 1st to March 31 each year.  For more information, please contact

Corporate Sponsor Memberships

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Copyright 2015, ICoTA Canadian Chapter

ICoTA Canadian Chapter
PO Box 22050 Bankers Hall
Calgary, AB T2P 4J1

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